Working from home is something many of us have done for a while. Some of our employers are increasing flexibility to accommodate family life, some of us need to travel and have home offices that act as a central base, some of us are small business owners who can use our homes as the hub of our activity, rather than pay for ground rent; these are just some of the reasons why the this modern approach to work has been a preferred approach for many.
In light of the current situation, more and more of us are adapting to working from home and it’s likely that we’ll be needing to find the right space in our house to do it. So, whether you already have a home office or are adapting an area of your living space to work in, we’ve put together a short guide to ensure that working from home is as comforting and efficient for you.
- De-clutter
“Out of sight, out of mind” – it’s a saying we’re all familiar with but it when it comes to clutter around the workspace, it’s one worth remembering. You may see some of the items around you every single day; magazines, ornaments that may be in need of a dusting, or crockery that needs to be put away, but when they start interfering with your workspace, they will become a distraction. These distractions are likely to interfere with your productivity, slowing down your work and making it harder for you to concentrate.
Think about dedicating some time to moving these items into storage and creating a tidy, distraction-free workspace that will help you be as productive as possible.
2. Something Personal
Your workspace should be clutter-free, but it doesn’t have to be free of reminders of the things you care about. Many office-workers have photos of loved ones or cards from friends on their desks, so your home-desk should be no different. Move a picture from another area of your living space to your new workspace.
3. Natural Light
The importance of natural light is no secret. There are many studies that demonstrate the benefits that nature’s own illuminator can have on both our physical and mental health, benefits that can also help us be productive when it comes to work. If space allows, position your workspace near a window or doors, being careful not to put yourself at risk of glare from the screen. If this isn’t possible, make sure you take regular breaks where you will have access to natural light. You can find out more about the importance of natural light here.
4. Stay Connected
It’s easy to feel disconnected from the outside world when you’re spending longer inside the home and have fewer social opportunities. Stay connected. If you would normally have had a meeting with a colleague, think about calling or video calling them, rather than settling for just an email alone. Be sure to stay in touch with friends as well and talk to them about how you’re getting on with working from home, especially if it’s new to you. Of course, when you need to concentrate, having your phone pinging won’t help, so put it on silent and out of sight, then set yourself something to achieve before picking it back up. You can find out more ways to stay connected to colleagues here.
5. Stick to a schedule
Often, we’re creatures of habit. Many workplaces have a start time, a lunch time, a home time and many other regularities throughout the day that we can set our watch by. Even if your workplace is less rigid, sticking to a schedule is a good habit to get into. Create your schedule and make sure you stick to it, but don’t be hard on yourself if reasons beyond your control mean sometimes you can’t. A schedule will bring you structure and help you maintain a work-life balance, so you know which hours are for working and which hours of for you. Click here for an idea on how you can maximise productivity time in your schedule.
If working from home is a long-term approach for you, and you’re looking for a new kitchen, speak to your local Studio Partner about a multi-functional living space that will enhance your lifestyle.