When designing a new kitchen, what are the appliances that spring to mind first? You might now be thinking about the cooker, the fridge, or maybe even the coffee machine. However, there is one item that arguably works the hardest, and is used so often that we take it for granted; the kitchen tap.
How often do you use your kitchen tap?
Take a moment to think about how often you use running water in your kitchen on a daily basis. Every so often to fill the kettle or wash your hands, perhaps? It might come as a surprise, but in the average home, we use running water in the kitchen around 100 times a day!
Every element of your kitchen must be durable, but for an appliance that works so hard and is used so frequently, it’s paramount that your kitchen tap can be relied on to perform flawlessly whenever it is needed, as well as complementing the overall design of your kitchen.
Working for you and your lifestyle
Just the same as with any new addition to your kitchen, it’s important to think about what you need from the kitchen tap and how it can work most efficiently around you and your lifestyle.
Touch technology
Perhaps you are a keen baker and quite often find yourself with your hands covered in dough, nervously turning the kitchen tap so that you don’t get it dirty. The need for taps to react to the slightest touch is not one that has gone unrecognised by water fitting specialists, such as Grohe, who now provide tap systems that offer modern, timeless and elegant design, combined with EasyTouch technology. The EasyTouch technology allows homeowners to operate the tap with their wrist or forearm to avoid those unhygienic and dirty finger marks, offering the ultimate flexibility.
Say Goodbye to the kettle
If you’re less of a baker, and more of a tea-maker constantly boiling the kettle, think about taps that offer instant access to hot water. Hot taps now offer boiling water at the turn of a tap, perfect for making hot drinks or preparing food. The Instant Hot Collection from one of the largest manufacturers of authentic and luxury kitchen brassware in Great Britain, Perrin & Rowe, demonstrates this effortlessly. The stunning 3-in-1 Instant Hot Tap, which complements any style of kitchen, dispenses steaming hot water up to 98 degrees and sits discretely under the sink. There’s never been a better excuse to drink more tea!
Multifunctional work zone
Perhaps you’re a self-confessed foodie, always experimenting with new recipes and need your kitchen to perform as a test centre. As any foodie will know, such experimenting involves a lot of washing; whether it’s your bowls and dishes or your ingredients. Taps with pull out spray heads, such as those available from Rangemaster, are ideal here, transforming your kitchen sink into a multifunctional work zone. With function that allows you to point the head at exactly where you require it, you’ll find that you’re every day food preparation and cleaning becomes a breeze.
For more ideas on how you can make your kitchen work around your lifestyle, take at our kitchen inspiration page.